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Programs Tailor Made for Your Needs 

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 基礎からプロの技まで/From Basics To Professional Chops 

At GSM, all guitar players from beginner to advanced  have the opportunity to master everything from basic knowledge to real professional chops.

 一人一人に合わせて個別のプログラムを用意/Customized Program For Each Student 

GSM creates customized programs and teaching materials for each individual student. No commercially available books will be used.

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 アクセスしやすいスタジオ/Easily Accessible Studio

レッスンを受けるスタジオがアクセスしやすく、明るくて清潔であることはとても大切です。GSMのレッスンは、JR本八幡駅から徒歩2分でアクセスできるRinky Dink Studio本八幡店内にて受講できます。親切で丁寧なスタッフが対応する清潔感のあるスタジオです。都営新宿線 本八幡駅からも簡単にアクセスできます。
Naturally, the studio for the lesson should be easily accessible and clean. You can take the GSM lessons at Rinky Dink Studio Motoyawata (2 minutes walking distance from JR Line and Toei Shinjuku 
Line Motoyawata Station). A very clean studio with friendly staff who care for everything!

 多言語での受講が可能/Lessons In Multiple Languages 

To understand the musical terms in a foreign language might be difficult. At GSM, you are able to take your lessons also in English and German.

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